Genferstrasse 21, CH-8027 Zürich

Tel: +41 (0)44 312 20 20, Fax: +41 (0)44 312 20 19

Oliver Gnehm

Attorney-at-law, lic. iur, MSc (LSE), Negotiation Expert

Partner, born 1972

BGPartner Ltd

German, English

since 2009 BGPartner AG

2006–2009 Walder Wyss & Partner
until 2012 Lecturer at several entrepreneurship schools
2004 Cantonal Court of Basel-Landschaft
2000–2003 Pfizer Inc., USA
1999 UBS

2005 Lawyer‘s licence
2003 Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School
2000 MSc (LSE), London School of Economics and Political Science
1998 lic. iur., Universities of Basel and Fribourg

Preferred Practice Areas
– Contract Law
– Company, Commercial and Capital Market Law
– M&A, Private Equity, Restructuring
– Labour Law
– Debt-Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law, Civil procedural law
– Real-Estate Transactions
– Healthcare & Life Sciences
– Digital Media

Member of
– Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
– Licensing Executives Society Switzerland
– LSE Lawyers‘ Alumni Group
– Accredited expert issuer representative at SIX Swiss Exchange

Board of Directors and Executive Board Mandates
BoneSupport Switzerland GmbH (Managing Directo)
Leathwaite International AG (Board of Directors)
PAPIERNEST Schweiz AG (Board of Directors)
TXP Pharma AG (Board of Directors)
Versantis AG (Board of Directors)

Publications / Awards

  • "The information right according to the Swiss data protection law" (Das datenschutzrechtliche Auskunftsrecht - Nukleus zur prozeduralen Durchsetzung des datenschutzrechtlichen Persönlichkeitsschutzes), Author: Oliver Gnehm, in: Schriftenreihe forum Europarecht (Volume 35), Durchsetzung der Rechte der Betroffenen im Bereich des Datenschutzes, Zurich 2015, S. 77-106 Download
  • "CO2-Emissions trading as a "lawless" space" (Der CO2-Emissionshandel als "rechtsfreier" Raum), Author: Oliver Gnehm, in: NZZ Gesellschaft & Recht, vom 24 August 2020 Download
  • Building the Foundation für Successful Negotiations; Authors: Oliver Gnehm, Fabiola Weilenmann, Thomas Gysin, in: BGPartner Video Publication, 28 September 2022, 10:39 Minutes
  • Interview "How to negotiate M&A and other contracts?" Authors: Oliver Gnehm and Elena Mégevand, in: "Ratgeber Recht & Steuern" supplement to Finanz und Wirtschaft, March 4, 2023. Download
  • Wie verhandeln Schweizer Führungskräfte?; Authors: Uta Herbst, Markus Voeth, Yannick Urbitsch, Sabrina Marx, Michael Oryl, Oliver Gnehm, Elena Mégevand, Barbora Hasler, in: Empirical study, May 25, 2023
  • Vom Umgang mit Garantien in Bauwerkverträgen; Autoren: Olivier Bula, Oliver Gnehm, in: Vortrag, 14. Zürcher Praktikertag für Baurecht, 21. Juni 2023
  • Interview "How do Swiss executives negotiate?" Authors: Oliver Gnehm and Elena Mégevand, in: "Ratgeber Recht & Steuern" supplement to Finanz und Wirtschaft, September 19, 2023. Download
  • Lawyer of the Year HEALTHCARE, LIFE SCIENCES, PHARMA 2023 - Legal Community CH
  • Lawyer of the Year HEALTHCARE, LIFE SCIENCES, PHARMA 2024 - Legal Community CH

LinkedIn Profile