
15 years

05. July 2023

How time flies. BGPartner has been a member of the Swiss lawyer network for 15 years now. As a proud founding member, we especially enjoyed the anniversary in Eastern Switzerland. A big thank you to LOCHER | KOBLER | STADELMANN and Mäder & Barmettler | Attorneys & Notaries, who made the weekend trip an unforgettable experience. is an association of smaller and medium-sized, independent and mainly commercially orientated law firms throughout Switzerland.

14th Zurich Practitioners' Day for Construction Law of the Europa Institute

22. June 2023

Our partners Olivier Bula and Oliver Gnehm shared their experiences on "Dealing with guarantees in construction contracts" during a presentation at the 14th Zurich Practitioners' Day for Construction Law of the Europa Institute at the University of Zurich (EIZ). 

Among other things, they presented the results of a survey on the term "guarantee", which shows that in construction practice the term is understood very broadly and not only the classic, abstract guarantee.

Many thanks to the EIZ and the organizers Marlen Patt, Peter Rütimann and Richard Calame for this very successful event and the exciting, practice-relevant discussions, which were perfectly rounded off with the inspiring and enriching guest contribution by Professor Peter Gauch.

The presentation can be downloaded here.

LAWorld AGM Meeting London

21. June 2023

For almost 20 years, BGPartner has been a member of LAWorld. In the beginning, the "AGM's" were meetings of a few dozen lawyers who met for an annual exchange. Two decades later, the meetings have grown into full-fledged conferences with well over 100 participants.

We are proud to be part of this positive development and will continue to write the success stories of LAWorld. Thanks again to our partner Simons Muirhead Burton, you were a perfect host. We not only benefited professionally from the event, but also had a lot of fun. Enjoy the video with some impressions and highlights from this event. 

Jazz Brunch 2023

19. June 2023

The annual Jazz Brunch is as much a part of BGPartner as the negotiation competence or the different legal services. For the 23rd time over 240 guests enjoyed culinary delights, fantastic jazz music, great weather and a relaxed atmosphere on the Gurten Hill (Berne). This year, after more than two decades of powerful welcome addresses, Senior Partner Michael Bader officially handed over the microphone to CEO Elena Mégevand-Valli.

A big thank you to the Gurten - Park im Grünen crew under the new leadership of Patrick Vogel for the smooth running of the event and the Imelda Gabs Jazz band, who has remained loyal to us over the years, despite her rising fame. Here you can find the photo gallery. 

The World's Toughest Row

12. June 2023

"The World's Toughest Row" is the ultimate rowing competition across the Pacific ocean. 14 teams gather to test themselves against mother nature and to compete the 4,500 kilometers from California to Hawaii. BGPartner is proud to be a partner of the Swiss Kiwi Fondue Team.

As negotiation experts, we want to explore the parallels between tough negotiations and rowing at the limit. We will accompany the team during this challenge and discuss these parallels with them. Besides the impressive athletic and mental performance of the rowers, it is remarkable that the Kiwi Fondue Team will donate USD 60,000 to help rebuild coral reefs. The funds will go to the charity Coral Vita. Interested in making a donation as well? Click here.